‘Accused was in cop’s home at time of crime’

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 14 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The first defence witness in 2010 Kurla minor rape and murder case told a sessions court Monday that the accused Javed Sheikh, a cable man, was attending to a repair call at the home of a police constable in Nehru Nagar at the same time the prosecution claimed he had carried out the gruesome act.

The witness, a cable distributor, is a former employer of Sheikh and said on June 6, 2010, Sheikh had spent the entire day on field, collecting the cable and internet fees and also attending to calls. The witness also said he had diary entries and receipts collected by Javed on that day.

The victim was found raped and murdered in 2010. Sheikh was arrested and trial began in September 2010.

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