7-year-old UK girl killed in Matheran riding mishap

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A seven-year-old British national who was visiting Matheran with her family, died on Tuesday after the horse she was riding went out of control and dragged her up to 100 meters. Her parents didn't press charges against the horse operator and are waiting for clearances to take her body back to the UK.

The incident took place on Tuesday evening at Matheran's Olympia race course where India Mayhew (7) went horse riding with her family. Her mother, brother and two sisters were also riding on the grounds while her father Gavin (43) and the horse operator were walking behind them.

Matheran police said the mishap occurred between 4.30-5pm, when India's horse went out of control and dragged the girl for up to 100 meters. The police said the horse operator, Pereira, and Gavin father managed to control the horse and rushed India to a nearby primary health centre, where she was declared 'brought dead'.

R N Khebude, sub-inspector of Matheran police station said, "In his statement, Gavin said he was just behind his daughter and saw the entire incident. He said the horse suddenly went out of control and dragged her up to some distance, because of which she suffered serious injuries and died". He said the victim's parents didn't want to press charges against the operator, saying it was an accident.

On basis of the victim's parents statement, police have registered a case of accidental death and on their request, late on Tuesday night sent the child's body to Mumbai's JJ Hospital for a post mortem. Doctors at JJ Hospital stated her cause of death as head injury and shock. Her body was later handed over to an undertaker for embalming. However, police said the family will have to remain in Mumbai for another two days to get all necessary permissions to take back the body.

Police said the victim's father worked with a UK-based company and arrived in Mumbai with his family on March 30. They halted at a five-star hotel in the city and late on Monday night reached Matheran.

A spokesperson for the British Deputy High Commission in Mumbai confirmed the death of a British national in Matheran. "We are providing consular assistance to the family at this difficult time," the spokesperson added.

This is the second such incident in the hill station. In December 2010, a Mumbai-based film maker, Manish Acharya, died after he fell from the horse he was riding while on a visit to Matheran. Horse riding is very popular with tourists in Matheran, which has been declared an eco-sensitive region by the environment ministry, and it is Asia's only automobile-free hill station.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=United Kingdom,Matheran police,British Deputy High Commission in Mumbai

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7-year-old UK girl killed in Matheran riding mishap

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