Teens held for stealing logos of luxury cars

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 31 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Two teenagers from Palghar, who appeared for their class tenth exams this year, have been arrested for allegedly stealing logos of luxury cars. The boys told the police that they stole the logos for fun and had no idea that it fetched a good price in the market.

The matter came to light when Dr Premchand Gond (50), who had contested the Lok Sabha elections from Palghar on a BJP ticket, complained to the Palghar police about the theft of the logo of his Jaguar car from the garage of his Novel Blossom apartment. The theft was captured on the closed circuit television installed in the garage.

Based on the CCTV clips, the police arrested the two boys, both aged 17. After questioning the boys, who have just appeared for their Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination, the police recovered logos of several luxury cars. The boys told the police that they used to steal the logos as removing the logos of luxury cars was an interesting task and it gave them a thrill.

The police on investigation found that the boys had no intention of selling the logos in the market. The boys were unaware that the logos fetched a good price, if sold. The police suspect the involvement of a few more minor boys from the locality. Logos of luxury cars were reportedly found in the house of a few more teenagers though they had not figured in the CCTV clips.

The arrested teens have been sent to the Bhiwandi Children Remand home.

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