MCOCA court acquits oil mafia Mohammed Ali

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 20 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The city crime branch received major jolt on Friday when the special MCOCA court acquitted all the accused including oil mafia Mohammed Ali in the murder of scrap dealer Sayyed Chand Madar after the prosecution failed to prove the conspiracy. The case pertains to September 2010 when 56-year-old Chand Madar was coming out of restaurant after having lunch at P D'Mello Road near GPO when two shooters shot him dead.

The special judge Pansare of MCOCA court on Friday while acquitted all the eight accused (excluding one Rashid Batla who died in 2013) of all the stringent charges of murder under the Maharashtra control of organized Act (MCOCA), convicted two of them to three years Imprisonment under the arms act. The alleged two shooters- Salim Deshmukh and Shahid Shabbir were convicted under arms act. Chand Madar,oil mafia Mohammed Ali,MCOCA court

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