Marine drive cops names senior officers

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 25 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Marine Drive constable's drug peddling case gets murkier with constable Dharam Kalokhe making serious allegations of involvement of some senior custom and police official.

Kalokhe's advocate Navin Chomal in an open court on Wednesday made alleged that Kalokhe has been framed in the case and there are some senior customs as well police officials involved in the racket and to save their skin, they have made Kalokhe a scapegoat.

''I have challenge the registeration of the fresh FIR at Marine Drive when the Kandala police of Satara district has already registered the case and have probe Mumbai angle. Secondly Kalokhe is just a small constable and it is not possible for him to commit crime of such a great magnitude single handedly and senior customs and police officials are involved in the facilitation of the commission of the crime.'' Said Chomal.

Chomal further said that Satara police have interrogated him on length regarding the role of a custom official and an IPS officer in the case. Kalokhe himself told his friend while being taken to the 37th Metropolitan magistrate court that if he opens his mouth many heads may role in. Meanwhile the senior IPS official against whome Kalokhe has made allegations, rubbished this saying the accused will make all sorts of allegations to divert/mislead the investigation.

Kalokhe who was arrested by the Marine Drive police on Wednesday after 12 kgs of MD was found in his cupboard at Marine Drive police station. He was produced before the court and was remanded to police custody under the NDPS act.

Kalokhe has also alleged that he has learnt that the police were torturing Shasikala alias Baby Patankar's kin to trace and arrest her. In his application Kalokhe said that Patankar is being hounded by cops as she has been perusing a matter against certain police officer who had committed criminal dereliction of their duties in the matter of kidnapping and gang rape of her niece. ''Her kin are toture to the extend that one of them have been admitted in ICU. And that's why I sought permission from the court that Kalokhe be interrogated in presence of his advocate and the matter is kept for hearing on March 26'' Said Chomal.

Meanwhile Mumbai police have almost completed the pre inquiry for dismissing Kalokhe under article 311 of Indian constitution and have forwarded the same to the director general of police which is the competent authority. Sources said that if DG accepts his police report, his dismissal order will come by this weekend. Drive,Dharam Kalokhe

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