Tata Power Company event for women to get justice against atrocities

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 22 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Tata Power Company has extended support to women to help them achieve justice against atrocities through case registration centres (CRCs).

It recently organised a 'Mahila Melava' to promote women empowerment and self-sustenance and organised a day long event to train the women. Said a TPC spokesperson, "Tata Power created awareness about the CRCs operated by the company for women in association with CORO at a special event, 'Mahila Melava' for the women self-help groups in Trombay. The CRCs assist and provides support to women to achieve justice against the atrocities being committed towards them. The daylong programme witnessed the attendance of close to 250 women."

The programme kicked off with a training session aimed at providing a platform to the women to share their experiences. They were informed about the women self help groups, the various government schemes and programmes related to women issues. The session also provided information about enterprise development and motivated the women to tart businesses as per their interest area.

"TPC is committed to empowering women, motivating them to achieve their dreams and be independent. It is imperative that this change in attitude spreads across the nation, and we are committed to the cause," said Pradeep Manjrekar, chief-Trombay Station, Tata Power.

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