Forum for Improving Life In Mumbai asks CM to review Slum Rehabilitation Scheme

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Forum for Improving Life In Mumbai/Suburb submitted a list of demands to chief minister Devendra Fadnavis early this week including reviewing the controversial Slum Rehabilitation Scheme or SRA.

''We would like to bring to your notice that the SRA scheme, launched by your erstwhile government in 1995, has completed 20 years since inception. As per our information, no comprehensive research/data has been collected by the government to ascertain if the scheme has succeeded or failed,'' it said. Forum chairperson Leena Prabhoo said the CM assured the delegation that he would look into this issue.

According to the forum, the scheme has perpetuated incorrect methodology whilst implementation. ''Due to the lack of clear directive to stop further encroachment, slums have grown many fold in subsequent years with the hope that each slum dweller will be eligible for free housing. The free housing for slum dwellers philosophy used by Maharashtra Government has attracted homeless people even from other states to come to Mumbai not only for jobs but also for a free ownership home. Law abiding Tax payers, who themselves find it impossible to buy homes for themselves in Mumbai, are pained to note that the taxes which they pay each year are used to give Free houses to lawbreakers.

Furthermore, no provision has been made to construct Low Cost Rental housing,'' it said.

Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) or Shiv Shahi Prakalpa was established in 1995 for the rehabilitation of of 40 lakh people living in slums and its immediate suburbs.
''It is now 2015 and we would like a study to be undertaken on the impact of SRA in the last 20 years,'' it added. Rehabilitation Scheme,Leena Prabhoo,Forum for Improving Life In Mumbai/Suburb,Devendra Fadnavis

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Forum for Improving Life In Mumbai asks CM to review Slum Rehabilitation Scheme

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