NGO handbook to help design city’s devpt plan

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 22 Januari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: In an attempt to throw light on sector-wise details of Mumbai's Development Plan (DP) 2014-34, NGO Praja along with Urban Design Research Institute (UDRI) have jointly launched a booklet which they claim would be of great benefit to citizens as well as corporators. Inaugurated by mayor SnehalAmbekar on Wednesday, the book gives the current status of facilities, needs and suggestions.

The handbook looks at different aspects which are all significantly a part of the DP arena—housing, health, education, transportation, water and sanitation, livelihood, public space, environment, urban norm, governance and existing land use survey.

The book could act as a framework for corporators as well as citizens to raise issues, the NGOs said. Besides, workshops will also be held explaining different aspects of the booklet to corporators. It has information, which could be a tool to ensure that the DP is successfully applied all through the city.

At the programme, Ambekar said, "While planning anything for Mumbai, we always think of how the city will benefit. It's important that workshops are held with corporators. Also, there should be a follow-up on the suggestions made."

Milind Mhaske, project director at Praja Foundation, said the basic agenda is to see to it that the DP for 2014-34 is made better. "This document will be a great source of information, especially for municipal councillors, as it has ward-wise statistical information regarding the issues faced by citizens. There is also a list of questions that can be asked by councillors"

Pankaj Joshi, executive director of UDRI, said they have tried providing a lot of data. "Planning must be based on a detailed understanding of livelihood, housing, environment, transportation, health, education, energy, water, sanitation, and security. Therefore, there is a need to replace the planning tool of FSI with other planning tools, such as form-based, height-based, density-based building controls, etc. Plans should be better designed," said Joshi.

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NGO handbook to help design city’s devpt plan

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