Locals step in to clean up Mahim beach

Written By Unknown on Senin, 29 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Following the recent Versova beach clean-up, wherein the area was cleared of encroachments, residents around Mahim beach approached the civic administration, seeking to clean their neighbourhood too.

On Saturday morning, a part of the beach was cleaned by locals and G-North ward officials and several kilos of garbage was cleared from the shore. Those residing at Lady Jamshetji Road and others gathered on the beach for the clean-up operation which lasted for over two hours.

A solid waste management official from G-North ward said that while they clean the beach every day using mechanized technology, residents volunteered to help them in the exercise to clean a portion of the beach behind the Mahim Dargah. "Mechanized cleaning can be carried out smoothly on smooth sand surfaces like at Girgaum chowpathy but at Mahim, the beach has numerous rocks. Therefore the beach also needs to be cleaned up manually," said a BMC official.

Residents said they assisted civic workers in picking up plastic, paper and flower wastes from in between the rocks.

Farooque Dhala, a local, said that the civic authority had placed heavy cement blocks to stop waves from depositing waste on the seashore. "However, this garbage gets collected near these blocks and keeps piling up. This garbage could cause breeding of mosquitoes. Therefore, we were keen on getting the area cleaned up," said Dhala, who too participated in the beach clean-up operation.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Versova beach,Lady Jamshetji Road,G-North

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