Railway cops plan awareness campaign

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The railway police on Saturday laid a trap and picked up a 62-year-old man, Suresh Vyas, who along with other commuters, threatened a collegian for "occupying their space" on a train.

He was made to apologize to the youth and give an assurance that such behaviour would not be repeated. Vyas was, however, not arrested as the offence is non-cognizable, said the police.

Parv Sigtia on Friday was standing on the footboard of the 8.06am Malad train when the 'bullies' allegedly accosted him. Vyas claimed he had occupied the same spot over two decades of his daily commute. One of the men almost pushed Sigtia overboard. A fellow commuter yanked Sigtia in in time.

On Saturday, railway police officials laid a trap on the same train at Malad. Sigtia and his father were told to board the same coach and look for the accused. Sigtia's mother, Alka, said that her son and husband spotted Vyas bullying another commuter like he had done with her son."They informed the police who picked up Vyas."

Alka said the railways need to take steps for safety of student commuters.

Vyas has been warned by the police not to bully co-travellers. A railway police official said that Vyas has been booked for intimidation and causing hurt. "He eventually admitted that he was at fault and apologized to Sigthia. We intend to start an awareness campaign against bullying on trains," said the official.

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