Ramzan begins tomorrow but price rise worries households

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 29 Juni 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Muslims in the city are preparing to welcome the month of fasting and prayers, Ramzan, which will begin on Monday, instead of Sunday, as the new moon was not sighted on Saturday.

While mosques will see increased attendance during the month, eateries with Ramzan delicacies in Muslim pockets will attract many non-Muslims as well. However, the price rise of commoditiesthreaten to dampen the spirit as middleclass housewives are forced to keep the budget low.

Spiritually Ramzan is significant for the Muslims as the Quran was revealed in this month and every good deed performed in this month brings more blessings than the ones did in other months. "It is also a month for practising piety, patience and tolerance. Remaining hungry in the day makes us feel the hunger of those who starve due to shortage of food. Denial of food, water and sex during the day is an exercise in self-control patience," said cleric Maulana Shoeb Koti. The Quran should ideally be recited everyday, but it is the only month where the Quran is recited at congregational prayers performed in the night called tarawih.

While men are looking forward to long sessions of prayers like tarawih, many housewives are worried because of the rising prices of fruits, edible oil, flour, sugar and onion. "The budget is going haywire due to price rise. Delicacies for iftar (breaking of fasts) and sehri (pre-dawn small meal) will be hit badly as middleclass families cannot cope with the steep price rise," said Ghazala Azad, a housewife from Mumbai Central.

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Ramzan begins tomorrow but price rise worries households

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