Frustrating bids to sign up again add to anxiety

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 04 April 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: With just four days left for the highly competitive Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) preliminary exam on Sunday, candidates were left scrambling to reregister themselves with the commission instead of focusing on last minute preparations.

The process is proving frustrating . Panicky candidates are flooding the MPSC portal and, as a result of the high traffic, most of them have failed to upload the details and sign up for the test.

Nikhil Kamerkar, a computer science graduate from Kirti College, said the MPSC portal has always been slow and with more footfalls than usual, it has slowed down even more. "Each time I press the tab button to fill data, the website refreshes automatically and it is impossible to submit the details," he said. "Worse is the part where a candidate has to fill the date of birth. When one tries to upload the p h o t o - g r ap h , t h e name and the other data disappear," Kamerkar added.

Ganesh Kazrekar, a resident of Santa Cruz, said he has been trying to upload data since Tuesday evening but failed. "Each time I upload my photo, the website automatically logs me out," he said. A n - other candidate said the website was slow and validation was not taking place though he has been trying since morning. "I have been

sitting in a cyber cafe from 9am to about 5pm. But I haven't been able to register myself for the exam again," he said, ruing that he could have spent the time brushing up his preparation.

Social networking websites are abuzz with grievances. Alka Dhupkar tweeted that the website is not accepting her fresh application. "Why?" she asked agonizingly. Vinayak Gaikwad asked: "MPSC is no small exam. The server may have crashed or got affected but why was there no back-up taken?" he asked.

Youth wings of students' bodies demanded that the MPSC postpone the exams. "How could the MPSC have lost all the data? The callousness has caused a lot of anxiety among students," said the MNS. The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad also berated the commission and demanded that the exam dates be pushed back.

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Frustrating bids to sign up again add to anxiety

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